
Socially Conscious : The Donate Love Foundation

"Aspiring entrepreneurs should not be afraid of success! We all have a destiny and purpose to fulfill and we have to learn to walk by faith and not by fear"

The Donate Love Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Atlanta, GA. In a relatively short amount of time, this organization has already made it's mark on the Atlanta community. Within 10 months, this non-profit organization has executed of 11 successful projects geared towards engaging youth ages 10 to 17 in community service projects throughout the area. Most recently the organization just opened its brand new office in the heart of Downtown Atlanta's financial district. We recently caught up with the organization's Founder and Executive Director Tashieka Truitt about what it's been like establishing this wonderful non-profit organization.

Contriubute to the October $5 Giving Campaign HERE -> www.donatelovefoundation.org


Driven: Newton Dennis

"Greatness takes time. Don't rush any decisions and know that it takes time to build a brand".

Newton Dennis has a drive that exemplifies determination, patience, and consistency. As Chief Operations Officer for Nxlevel Lifestyle and Entertainment Group, Newton has proven to be one of action as he has worked to help set the foundation of the Nxlevel brand even in the early stages of development alongside CEO Hercules Conway.

Native of Washington D.C by way of Jamaica, Newton has naturally embraced the art of entrepreneurship and as a consequence he has had the opportunity to orchestrate several successful events through Nxlevel Entertainment by branching out to the "upper echelon", a distinct audience consisting of the educated, fashionable, media savvy, and culturally diverse. It is a group that demands upscale, exclusive, and unforgettable events.

This is only the beginning for Newton as he stresses the need to be forever innovative, as this leads to the ultimate form of success. "When it is all said and done, we want the record to show that Nxlevel Entertainment was ONLY the beginning".

We at Urban Argyle had the opportunity to catch up with Newton for an exclusive interview…peep it!