"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
Ignite Greensboro is an organization dedicated to a vision of change. Known for its efforts of bridging the gap between college students and the community of Greensboro, NC, Ignite Greensboro has made it a goal to actively craft student awareness in the culture and history of the city of Greensboro.
Service, scholarship, and speaking engagements are on this dynamic organizations agenda. You may spot Ignite doing exhibitions on your college campus and even catch them in the press. Check out this article on how Ignite and others saved a community $60,000 dollars in energy costs. (www.yesweekly.com/article-8349-news.html),
So how can you be a part of the change? Start now! Ignite Greensboro week kicks off on Tuesday April 6th.
Ignite Greensboro WEEK 2010 (April 6-9)
Tuesday, April 6th:
City-Wide Voter Registration: 11am-2pm on the campuses of Guilford College, UNCG, and NCAT and Ignite Greensboro goes to the International Civil Rights Center and Museum- 4 pm
Voter Registration is for the upcoming primaries on May 4, 2010. We are partnering with Voter Advocacy Now, Project Haiti of A&T and C.H.A.N.G.E. of Guilford College.
Come out and help register people to vote or get registered yourself!
Contacts for each College/University:
Scolvin-jones@ignitegreensboro.org -UNCG
woodjh@guilford.edu -Guilford
Later in the day we will be visiting the International Civil Rights Museum!
Have you ever wanted to visit the museum?
Now, here is your chance…
Bring $5 and an open mind!
The International Civil Rights Center & Museum is an archival center, collecting museum and teaching facility devoted to the international struggle for civil and human rights. The Museum celebrates the nonviolent protests of the 1960 Greensboro sit-ins, which served as a catalyst in the civil rights movement.
The Museum complex includes 30,000 square feet of exhibit space and is located in the historic 1929 F.W. Woolworth building in Greensboro, N.C. We will meet DOWNTOWN at the museum-- 134 S. Elm Street
Wednesday, April 7, 2010:
Ignite Greensboro Presents: 9500 Liberty, The Documentary
Prince William County, Virginia becomes ground zero in America's explosive battle over immigration policy when elected officials adopt a law requiring police officers to question anyone they have "probable cause" to suspect is an undocumented immigrant.
9500 Liberty reveals the startling vulnerability of a local government, targeted by national anti-immigration networks using the Internet to frighten and intimidate lawmakers and citizens. Alarmed by a climate of fear and racial division, residents form a resistance using YouTube videos and virtual town halls, setting up a real-life showdown in the seat of county government.
If you want to learn about how such a law was implemented in PW County and be inspired by the people who fought back, this is a must-attend event for you!!
Thursday, April 8:
Photography in the City: The Black Marker Project- 11am-2 pm
Do you have a camera?
Are you photogenic?
Would you like to meet new people?
The Black Marker Project is a visually expressive project where participants will be asked to answer one of the following questions:
1) What does ownership mean to you?
2) What does knowledge mean to you?
They will then take the dry erase board and the black marker provided and in two words or less, write what their chosen question means to them. We will have two locations for this project. Please meet at one of these locations:.
1.NCA&T Memorial Union; Contact: Rachel Propst (rpropst@ignitegreensboro.org)
2.Center City Park; Contact: Cherrell Brown (cbrown@ignitegreensboro.org)
Friday, April 9:
Ignite Greensboro Multi-Issue Flash Mob-4 p.m.
A flash mob is a fun social experiment that raises awareness about a particular issue. It can also be completely random.
We will be freezing, (and moving) to raise awareness about issues such as: The White Street Landfill, Student Loan Reform and Racial Profiling.
Come out and participate in what promises to be an AMAZING experience! We will take the four corners of a downtown intersection and assign an issue to each corner.
Props needed: Caps and Gowns, trash bags, gym clothes and
laboratory gloves and masks.
We will meet at the intersection of Elm Street and Friendly Avenue, Downtown Greensboro.
Bring a friend!
(Ignite Greensboro Week content courtesy of www.ignitegreensboro.org )
So how can you get involved? Visit: www.ignitegreensboro.org or contact Zim Ugochukwu at ignitegreensboro@gmail.com
Zim Ugochukwu has been a driving force for Ignite Greensboro from its early stages in 2009 to present day. (Check out Zim's interview!!)
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