On February 1, 1960 four NCA&T freshman committed an act that served as a catalyst for the non-violent protests of the civil rights movement. Four decades later… we are still reaping the benefits.
In 2006, the Student Government Association members decided there needed to be some type of commemorative initiative that was completely student-driven. It was decided that different products would be created with a logo that symbolized a conscious acknowledgement and thank you to anyone who’d made a sacrifice during the civil rights movement. The logo that was created was the “4US” logo, and proceeds from sells of the different items were donated to The International Civil Rights Center and Museum. Additionally, there would be a student march from the A&T Four statue on campus to the site of the sit-ins.
Now 2010, four years into the initiative, The International Civil Rights Center and Museum is opening its doors. A five-day long celebration leading to the opening culminates, appropriately, with this same student march.
If you are interested in purchasing your own shirt to show your support you can order online HERE, proceeds are donated to The International Civil Rights Center and Museum and towards the costs of the February One Celebration events.