What is the name of your company?
Optimal Investment Strategists & Black College Expressions, Inc.
What was your motivation behind starting?
Optimal Investment Strategists - My love for investing Black College Expressions, Inc. - The constant disrespect and disregard towards individuals that received their education from black colleges by Anglo-saxon counterparts that attended "glory" schools.
How long have you been in business?
Optimal Investment Strategists - 2 1/2 years
Black College Expressions, Inc. - 6 months
What are some things you will be doing in the future?
Optimal Investment Strategists - Buying a screen print company to take advantage of economies of scale for Black College Expressions. Black College Expressions, Inc. - Doing a grassroots style campaign at HBCUs in an attempt to raise the awareness of the demise our universities are facing and how Black College Expressions is working to maintain the legacy of our HBCUs.
What advice do you have for any other young, black entrepreneurs?
Dream big, and execute to that level. The same amount of energy it takes to dream small, it takes to dream big.
Obstacles are inevitable. They are there to test your appetite for being an entrepreneur and to teach you to resolve complex problems that will and do arise. Further establishing and maintaining your faith in God will take you further than any place you can dream of; don't second guess Him...trust Him.
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